Monday, March 21, 2011

Blogging Goals from Blogging for Scrapbookers(

I have so many gadgets to distract me from my real love: taking pictures and telling stories. I swear I would probably be better off with none of these things except my Nikon, of course!! (I am loving Windows Live Writer for helping me write my posts!)

Journaling on Page 2: When I decided to take this course I knew that I would be challenged to develop goals for my blogging and scrapbooking life. I have been trying to systematize my digital workflow for over a year now. I just seem to be missing the mark in terms of feeling content in my crafting life. I have taken courses at Big Picture and I am a Paperclipping Member. I have taken drawing and painting lessons at Willowing, but I just feel like I haven’t found a flow. I take so many pictures that I can’t keep up with creating anything half the time. I spend my time organizing, purging and organizing my pictures. Since getting my iPad last fall I have been trying out apps that will help me get more of my story told and more of my photos out there to share. After all that’s why I take them. They are for me, but also for the people I love to enjoy. My new blog will be another way to share the pictures and the stories that they help to tell in a way that is both meaningful and easy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Breath of New Life and Perhaps a Goal or Two

I am taking a class over at called Blogging for Scrapbookers. I am so excited about it. I have already downloaded the materials from when she ran the course in 2009 and I have updated my blog and made a post. I look forward to meeting other bloggers who love photos and stories and scrapbooking. We'll see what new life this will breathe into my blog.