Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All Those Photo Projects Brainstorm List

Because I keep coming up with them and don't want to forget them I will post the ideas swimming around my head right now:

  • Photobooks for Michelle, Michele, and Darby
  • Photobook for Utah 2010 trip
  • Calendars for Kathy, Jean, Mom and Dad, Vickie, Hillary, and Heather
  • CD for Jessica of her birthday and sprinkle
  • Photo Frames for Mom and Dad

I need to rate, keyword, and purge my 2010 photos.

I have converted Aug - November to Jpgs and stored the NEF and RAW files on both EHDs. The bulk has bugged me since converting and I have decided to shoot JPEG fine with my Nikon. JPEGs are just so much easier to work with.