The files are too big! I am constantly battling not having enough space. I have a 500G EHD for backups and I am just getting overwhelmed. . . Again!
Steps Again??
1. Upload to Photoshop Elements Organizer (label with date, then pic #)
2. Manually backup to EHD
3. Rate (use F11 to get to big screen view)
4. Delete 0-star ratings
5. Keyword in batch - Who, What, Where
6. Advanced Keyword for Category Drawers - Us, People, Things, Places
When do I print? When do I scrapbook? When do I get to play with my photos because it seems like all I do is upload, purge, rate, and edit. It's too much. Just too much! I never get to just scrapbook with my photos.
Hi Angie, I just wanted to share that I have your winning paperclipping layout in the spotlight on my blog today. Congrats & thanks so much for joining in the challenge. I hope you are submitting this month too.