Monday, April 12, 2010

"Everyday Adventures at BPS"

I have no followers but I have an overwhelming desire to share my story or my art or my photography or my something.  Well, not my something!  I don't understand it.  I just want to be heard, I guess.  It thrills me to know that someone out there cares.  But on the other hand I am in the process of simplifying my own blog reader.  I have created a new category called "Inactive Scrapbooking" for blogs that I used to read. Now I only "Mark as Read" them every once in a while.  I can't bear to part with them . . . yet!  I skim through the posts I like to look at and I am trying to limit my online time to less "searching for my muse" and more "putting my muse to work."  It's way too easy to get distracted from what I really love to do.  I have been in such a funky place lately.  Taking pics, sorting, editing, but not scrapping hardly anything.  I keep having the urge to work with paper.  Today I finally did after signing up for this 4-week workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking.

I worked on my assignments for the BPS class, "Everyday Adventures."  I am hoping I can learn something to use in school for "Our Backyard" studies.  It seems to fit in with the nature journals.  We'll see.  I had the most fun putting together this field journal.  I found papers in my stash that I had gotten from someone in an exchange at  There were so many pretty papers.  I used my Big Bite and old cardboard, lots of cardstock and some patterned papers.  I tied ribbons and other fibers to the binder clips and ended up with a nifty little book.

These are my nifty little "Goggles of Enhanced Perception."  I repurposed a pair of doll glasses that have been in my sewing kit for nearly twenty years.  The class is based on this book by Keri Smith called "How to Be and Explorer of the World."  It's going to be interesting and fun.

Brett says women should not wear a hat titled "Bone Collector."  I was cold!!

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